

Norway CLI Restrictions

Simon Woodhead

Simon Woodhead

31st August 2022

By Simon Woodhead

In the latest act of the relentless re-localisation of telecoms, as domestic operators seek to re-enforce their monopolies, major Norwegian operators have today agreed amongst themselves to block all traffic entering Norway presenting a Norwegian CLI, effective tomorrow (September 1st 2022). 

While we have a local interconnect, and indeed domestic customers in Norway, we strongly suspect the definition of “international” will be loosely applied as we’ve seen in other countries such as Portugal, i.e. that call is local but the CLI belongs to my customer so I’m going to block the call to force them to send it at my monopolistic rates instead.

This is the latest in a long line of such moves internationally that we’re powerless to do much about, despite the depth and breadth of our interconnects, and calls trapped by these policies will fail. Customers are reminded of our guidance on CLI spoofing

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